
Mar 21, 2020
In Defense of Libertinism
Out of all my sensible friends, Charlien and Francheska would be the most tolerable to waste the evenings with. When sober, they enjoy...

Feb 27, 2020
Celebrating Women's Month with Six: Lessons from a Libertine
Women are not dramatists nor lovers, but as one who has searched intimately and felt with instinctive sympathy the fibers of their...

Feb 16, 2020
‘Tis a Cruel Cruel Limbo We Live In
I'm not really into those online personality quizzes, but I decided to try out this one called the Toronto Alexithymia Scale or TAS-20....

Feb 1, 2020
A Recipe for Harnessing the Powers of the Dark Side
I came from a long line of crazy. Among my aunts and cousins are condemned prisoners and individuals who struggle with their mental...

Jan 31, 2020
Too Much (or too little) Dopamine Killed Pavlov’s Dogs
Our friend would always microdose on her amphetamines to help her cope with her ADD. He’d ask for the leftovers and take it with some...

Jan 19, 2020
Give me Liberty or Give me Death!
The kingdom of heaven is within the mind of the person, not within the collective mindlessness of a crowd. A. Huxley The second law of...

Dec 31, 2019
Ignorance Feeds on Ignorance: Why Not Try to Think Like a Scientist For a Change?
The dumbing down…is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the media, the 10 second sound bites, lowest common...

Dec 19, 2019
The Fate of the Holocene Epoch
As we approach the sixth mass extinction event on our planet, it becomes increasingly evident that the survival of species will depend on...

Nov 10, 2019
rosetta and the Transients
Choanoflagellates, also known as "choanos," are single-celled eukaryotes that inhabit aquatic and marine environments. They exhibit...

Oct 10, 2019
Breaking the Bell Jar
As I neared the end of my presentation, my examiner imparted a profoundly meaningful piece of advice. He fixed his gaze upon me and said,...