
Nov 9, 2022
The value of trust
Amsterdam by Robert Frank Dear Fran Fran, I think one of the reasons we both understand the true value of trust in relationships is...

Nov 8, 2022
For my girls, my rbs
Dear Charlie, I hope this letter finds you and Fran doing well post-COVID. I've been missing you both, and I'm really looking forward to...

Oct 25, 2022
just a generic grocery list i carry around in spain
milk eggs frozen patties potatoes tomatoes onion garlic lemon padrón peppers <3 bell peppers lettuce okra (when in season, share with...

Oct 25, 2022
bedtime stories i told my kids (but shouldn't have) in my twisted dreams
by Benjamin Faucett how your uncles ended up in jail your best friend was conceived in a fitting room at h&m the day i was suppose to do...

Oct 23, 2022
66 books you should think twice before reading
yertle the turtle grimm's fairy tales fox 8 alice in wonderland i am a cat the chocolate war persepolis sula the bluest eye franny and...

Oct 22, 2022
milk chocolate
by Gordon Parks I don't think he understands how difficult it is for me to fit in a group of Westerners, regardless whether they are nice...

Oct 18, 2022
Mama, u way too cool
by Gordon Parks My mom's visiting in less than a week, and she's planning her own version of "Sex and the City" in Europe with her...

Sep 30, 2022
E. Rigby, ur 4ever in our hearts
by Gordon Parks In my 1 week job, I met a man named Evan Rigby from Liverpool, England. Unlike dear ol' Eleanor who wears cold-cream to...

Sep 30, 2022
Missing Asia
by Ren Hang I miss Asia. God, I miss Asia so much. There, I said it. I miss Asia, especially the humble and laid-back and at the same...

Sep 12, 2022
What looked like a green-eyed monster
by Ren Hang My period (or some sorta heavy bleeding before my period) came a week earlier no thanks to the morning-after pill I took a...