E. Rigby, ur 4ever in our hearts

by Gordon Parks
In my 1 week job, I met a man named Evan Rigby from Liverpool, England. Unlike dear ol' Eleanor who wears cold-cream to conceal her aging skin, Mr. Evan Rigby is not particularly old nor is he fond of cleaning up rice after a wedding. He works in menial jobs—clearing tables, taking calls, teaching english—while finally deciding to study film and production.
What Eleanor and Evan had in common is that they both look very alone. While Eleanor died alone, looking for love, Evan has an Italian girlfriend who cooks great bolognese pasta. He said he met his Italian girlfriend on Tinder and they'd been going solid for 4 years or so. I thought, if Eleanor was born in our era, would she have found love like Evan did? Even if she did, she'd probably still feel alone like Evan.
Just like the many lonely people in the West, I look at Evan and I see a lonely man using his girlfriend to hide his existential aloneness. I mean, aren't we all like the Rigbies to some extent? We have our own ways to hide aloneness. Props to Mr. Rigby, tho, he's a good man, I vouch he's a very good and honest man. God save u Mr. Rigby, ur 4ever in our hearts!