
Sep 30, 2022
E. Rigby, ur 4ever in our hearts
by Gordon Parks In my 1 week job, I met a man named Evan Rigby from Liverpool, England. Unlike dear ol' Eleanor who wears cold-cream to...

Sep 30, 2022
E. Rigby, ur 4ever in our hearts
by Gordon Parks In my 1 week job, I met a man named Evan Rigby from Liverpool, England. Unlike dear ol' Eleanor who wears cold-cream to...

Aug 14, 2022
unknown sunshine
by Saul Leiter she rolled down the car windows, inviting in the morning air to cool the steaming auto. with hair let loose, she leaned on...

Aug 14, 2022
unknown sunshine
by Saul Leiter she rolled down the car windows, inviting in the morning air to cool the steaming auto. with hair let loose, she leaned on...

Jul 11, 2022
Loving him
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” Martin Luther King Jr. I am envious. I am envious that they don't...

Jul 11, 2022
Loving him
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” Martin Luther King Jr. I am envious. I am envious that they don't...

Apr 18, 2022
A note to self
People often associate learning with formal schooling—a systematized and standardized classroom-based approach of educating (or...

Apr 18, 2022
A note to self
People often associate learning with formal schooling—a systematized and standardized classroom-based approach of educating (or...

Apr 15, 2022
Pathless path
I am in Madrid mofo. Admittedly, even though I’m in a new city, there are days when my feelings would still vacillate back and forth...

Apr 15, 2022
Pathless path
I am in Madrid mofo. Admittedly, even though I’m in a new city, there are days when my feelings would still vacillate back and forth...