
Sep 30, 2022
Missing Asia
by Ren Hang I miss Asia. God, I miss Asia so much. There, I said it. I miss Asia, especially the humble and laid-back and at the same...

Sep 12, 2022
What looked like a green-eyed monster
by Ren Hang My period (or some sorta heavy bleeding before my period) came a week earlier no thanks to the morning-after pill I took a...

Sep 2, 2022
Paradise is now
by Ren Hang You're one of the most goal-oriented people I've ever met. When you set your mind to something, you go all out and find the...

Aug 19, 2022
I can't recall the last time
A Kiss in A Crowd, 1940-52 by Saul Leiter I don't remember the last time I saw mom and the old man truly happy together. Even before they...

Aug 7, 2022
I am not different...
2018.03.21 by Saul Leiter Once, while strolling through the evergreen, I stumbled on a protruding root, losing my serene. On my belly, I...

Jul 11, 2022
Loving him
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” Martin Luther King Jr. I am envious. I am envious that they don't...

Apr 16, 2022
Dream Log 137: There is a light that never goes out
Moving house to house, city to city must’ve triggered my parcopresis. Tomorrow marks the end of my first week living in Cel’s apartment...

Apr 15, 2022
A beauty that eludes what the naked eye can see
taken by Shigeru Onishi The night is drawing in and the tangerine sky is waving goodbye to the rolling Mediterranean hills and the...

Apr 15, 2022
play of light and shadows
taken by Shigeru Onishi It was Tuesday, rather Monday night here in Madrid. Passionate and nationalistic spirit was in the air but I was...

Apr 15, 2022
Pathless path
I am in Madrid mofo. Admittedly, even though I’m in a new city, there are days when my feelings would still vacillate back and forth...