
Oct 25, 2021
It's 1 am, and my mind is racing. Before attempting to go to bed, I decided to browse through old photos in my drive, deleting the ones...

Aug 11, 2021
Photomontage from the book Aveux non-Avenus, c 1920 to 1930 by Claude Cahun I hate his guts. Is it so difficult to fathom that I can...

Aug 11, 2021
Venus on Fire
The Birth of Venus, 1485 by Sandro Botticelli Nothing made sense that night. I was lost in a haze of exhaustion, my mind clouded from...

Jul 6, 2021
Untitled work, 1979 by Francesca Woodman As my departure drew near, the once comforting elements of my surroundings began to feel...

Jul 2, 2021
by Anna Atkins Jizel possesses a rich chocolate complexion, and her well-toned muscles exude strength and smoothness. She adheres to a...

Jul 2, 2021
What a man, 1946 by Joe Massey Rey, your story is not mine to tell, but when you get out (which I doubt will happen soon) and you get the...

Jul 1, 2021
Untitled butterflies, 1958 by Vladimir Nabokov Lolita has always been a spiteful and bitter woman. She has no qualms about causing a...

Jun 18, 2021
Dogs of Paris
The Dirty Dogs of Paris by Boris O' Klein Place de la Concorde holds a special place in my heart when it comes to Parisian spots. It's a...

Jun 6, 2021
Lion Speaks
She was weary to death of mild, passive lambs and monotonous doves. If the lamb might lie down with the lion, it would be a great honor...

May 25, 2021
Dictyostelium loners shown aggregating in a 3% agar substrate from Rossine et al 2020 I. Self The light reached out to a unicell floating...