Six and Lady D

"Hi D. It's been a while.
I've been seeing your name in the news.
You're making quite the impact in the USA."
"Yeah, it's been a tough job lately,
more draining than ever. Can't wait for that cure.
I wonder when Doc will realize that studying
the gut-brain axis is the key to finding it."
"Interesting. So you believe the answer lies within our microbiome."
"Hasn't an imbalance in the microbiome always been the problem? Anyway, Six, I need a distraction from work for a minute.
How have you been? Last time we spoke, you were fascinated by love."
"Oh, right. I was quite naive back then. Thinking love was something I could understand."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know. It's just not meant for me. I feel like this world is only suitable for the happy, healthy, and optimistic. It's made for those with biologically functional and socially acceptable sexual filters...
People unconsciously do it all the time. They choose partners who are healthy, kind, loving, caring, funny, and happy, all that stuff. Men get turned on by coy women in courtship, as if women's sexuality is some kind of prized possession.
Have you heard of Dawkins' domestic bliss strategy? Women make men go through all sorts of crazy things to prove their loyalty and trustworthiness, like dogs. Only after men have invested significant time and effort into the relationship will women consider having sex or settling down. Humans think this strategy is sweet, but I find it manipulative. It's egotistical to believe we're that special to be desired."
"No wonder you've had some negative experiences. You give in too easily."
"Maybe because I want to challenge the conventional notions of love. I'd say, 'Here, take my body, take my soul. It's yours.' Then, after multiple encounters and when all the oxytocin and serotonin have subsided, I could finally determine if the relationship was based on something more substantial. Because that's what they all say, right? Love starts after the romance, after the sex? I'm tired of the manipulations. I'm tired of treating men like dogs. I'm tired of being treated like a bait or a trophy. If love and courtship are just about following Robert Greene's rule book, then count me out. I don't want any part of it."
"You're quite the pessimist, Six."
"So you're telling me you're all in for Dawkins and Greene? You believe that life is predestined and if we follow certain steps, we can all find love?"
"That's a difficult question. I can't give you a definitive answer. But your unique perspective on love and courtship, coupled with your experiences, seems to have proven your point."
"And what is my point?"
"Your point is that love is a dog from hell."
"Hah! I was going to mention the Tibetan Buddhists and the Mosuo tribe as exceptions, but Mr. Bukowski, that dirty old genius... it must have been an honor for you to have met him."
"That's what sets you apart, Six. Because you haven't had real role models to teach you how to love, you have more opportunities to freestyle and experiment with the concept. But once in a while, try breaking that six-month streak of yours. It's not very smart."
"Not smart, you say? As I mentioned, after those six months, when the romance and hormones have faded, I can decide if investing in that person is worth it."
"Is there someone in particular you believe is worth it?"
"I think so."