Hello, Goodbye

It might be premature to reveal this, but I truly wish you and Fran were here, C. I really do. It's only been about a week since I left Manila, yet I'm already itching to leave this apartment. Don't get me wrong, C, I'm making an effort to get along with Linda, the middle-aged Filipina landlord I'm renting from, but I don't think I can stay long-term with someone who appears to dislike me, especially someone with OCD...
Linda meticulously cleans every trace of dirt I leave behind and despises the lingering scent of food and cigarette smoke on her freshly washed clothes. Ugh. Although I want to find a new place soon, I don't want her to think I'm only using her. I'm only staying because my mom connected with Linda's sister, Brenda, on Facebook before I came here as she thought that could ensure my safety... Besides, Mom assured me it’d be temporary, just until I find my own place. I suppose waiting a bit longer and keeping my space clean wouldn't hurt. I do make an effort to enjoy my time with Linda and Brenda, especially when they're both relaxed and carefree. The first encounter with Brenda was quite a treat. Despite having been a citizen for 20 or so years, Brenda is still unfamiliar with most of the streets in Barcelona. To make matters worse, Momma still doesn't know how to operate Google Maps.
It was a Friday afternoon when I went out with B for the first time. Just like Linda, Brenda had a penchant for the typical OFW-turned-imported-goods style of streetwear. She wore a black velvet French beret, a neatly ironed white turtleneck tucked into a ripped and bleached skinny jeans, and an oversized mahogany-colored trench coat paired with black knee-high boots. Individually, each item of clothing looked expensive and eye-catching, but when combined, resembled a poorly decorated Christmas tree.
On that Friday afternoon, I needed to buy a Spanish SIM card and take care of my empadronamiento and other documents required for my foreign ID card. We headed to the city center, and Brenda insisted on guiding me since she claimed to know her way around the city. The last thing I wanted was a babysitter but I appreciated her determination to help me settle in. However, as we made our way to the city center, I could sense that she didn't actually know where we were going. We seemed to be going in circles. I checked my Maps and, to my dismay, I was right. We were kilometers away from our destination. We were lost. Out of politeness, I didn't want to force her to take the recommended route, so I let her continue leading the way. After about an hour or so, we eventually arrived at our destination, even though it was supposed to be a 15-minute journey. On top of everything, she insisted that I ride the buses for free with her. In my first week on foreign soil, that damn woman had already pressed me into committing a felony. What a badass. Bad influencers are so good at tempting me to do bad stuff.
Brenda oh Brenda. I have no idea where that bitch got her haughtiness, haughtiness probably covering up something sinister about her and her sister…